Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Multinational Corporations Essay
Multinational corporations have existed since the beginning of overseas trade. They have remained a part of the business scene throughout history, entering their modern form in the 17th and 18th centuries with the creation of large, European-based monopolistic concerns such as the British East India Company during the age of colonization. Multinational concerns were viewed at that time as agents of civilization and played a pivotal role in the commercial and industrial development of Asia, South America, and Africa. By the end of the 19th century, advances in communications had more closely linked world markets, and multinational corporations retained their favorable image as instruments of improved global relations through commercial ties. The existence of close international trading relations did not prevent the outbreak of two world wars in the first half of the twentieth century, but an even more closely bound world economy emerged in the aftermath of the period of conflict. In more recent times, multinational corporations have grown in power and visibility, but have come to be viewed more ambivalently by both governments and consumers worldwide. Indeed, multinationals today are viewed with increased suspicion given their perceived lack of concern for the economic well-being of particular geographic regions and the public impression that multinationals are gaining power in relation to national government agencies, international trade federations and organizations, and local, national, and international labor organizations. Despite such concerns, multinational corporations appear poised to expand their power and influence as barriers to international trade continue to be removed. Furthermore, the actual nature and methods of multinationals are in large measure misunderstood by the public, and their long-term influence is likely to be less sinister than imagined. Multinational corporations share many common traits, including the methods they use to penetrate new markets, the manner in which their overseas subsidiaries are tied to their headquarters operations, and their interaction with national governmental agencies and national and international labor organizations. WHAT IS A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION? As the name implies, a multinational corporation is a business concern with operations in more than one country. These operations outside the companyââ¬â¢s home country may be linked to the parent by merger, operated as subsidiaries, or have considerable autonomy. Multinational corporations are sometimes perceived as large, utilitarian enterprises with little or no regard for the social and economic well-being of the countries in which they operate, but the reality of their situation is more complicated. There are over 40,000 multinational corporations currently operating in the global economy, in addition to approximately 250,000 overseas affiliates running cross-continental businesses. In 1995, the top 200 multinational corporations had combined sales of $7. 1 trillion, which is equivalent to 28. 3 percent of the worldââ¬â¢s gross domestic product. The top multinational corporations are headquartered in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan; they have the capacity to shape global trade, production, and financial transactions. Multinational corporations are viewed by many as favoring their home operations when making difficult economic decisions, but this tendency is declining as companies are forced to respond to increasing global competition. The World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank are the three institutions that underwrite the basic rules and regulations of economic, monetary, and trade relations between countries. Many developing nations have loosened trade rules under pressure from the IMF and the World Bank. The domestic financial markets in these countries have not been developed and do not have appropriate laws in place to enable domestic financial institutions to stand up to foreign competition. The administrative setup, judicial systems, and law-enforcing agencies generally cannot guarantee the social discipline and political stability that are necessary in order to support a growth-friendly atmosphere. As a result, most multinational corporations are investing in certain geographic locations only. In the 1990s, most foreign investment was in high-income countries and a few geographic locations in the South like East Asia and Latin America. According to the World Bankââ¬â¢s 2002 World Development Indicators, there are 63 countries considered to be low-income countries. The share of these low-income countries in which foreign countries are making direct investments is very small; it rose from 0. 5 percent 1990 to only 1. 6 percent in 2000. Although foreign direct investment in developing countries rose considerably in the 1990s, not all developing countries benefited from these investments. Most of the foreign direct investment went to a very small number of lower and upper middle income developing countries in East Asia and Latin America. In these countries, the rate of economic growth is increasing and the number of people living at poverty level is falling. However, there are still nearly 140 developing countries that are showing very slow growth rates while the 24 richest, developed countries (plus another 10 to 12 newly industrialized countries) are benefiting from most of the economic growth and prosperity. Therefore, many people in the developing countries are still living in poverty. Similarly, multinational corporations are viewed as being exploitative of both their workers and the local environment, given their relative lack of association with any given locality. This criticism of multinationals is valid to a point, but it must be remembered that no corporation can successfully operate without regard to local social, labor, and environmental standards, and that multinationals in large measure do conform to local standards in these regards. Multinational corporations are also seen as acquiring too much political and economic power in the modern business environment. Indeed, corporations are able to influence public policy to some degree by threatening to move jobs overseas, but companies are often prevented from employing this tactic given the need for highly trained workers to produce many products. Such workers can seldom be found in low-wage countries. Furthermore, once they enter a market, multinationals are bound by the same constraints as domestically owned concerns, and find it difficult to abandon the infrastructure they produced to enter the market in the first place. The modern multinational corporation is not necessarily headquartered in a wealthy nation. Many countries that were recently classified as part of the developing world, including Brazil, Taiwan, Kuwait, and Venezuela, are now home to large multinational concerns. The days of corporate colonization seem to be nearing an end. Multinational corporations follow three general procedures when seeking to access new markets: merger with or direct acquisition of existing concerns; sequential market entry; and joint ventures. Merger or direct acquisition of existing companies in a new market is the most straightforward method of new market penetration employed by multinational corporations. Such an entry, known as foreign direct investment, allows multinationals, especially the larger ones, to take full advantage of their size and the economies of scale that this provides. The rash of mergers within the global automotive industries during the late 1990s are illustrative of this method of gaining access to new markets and, significantly, were made in response to increased global competition. Multinational corporations also make use of a procedure known as sequential market entry when seeking to penetrate a new market. Sequential market entry often also includes foreign direct investment, and involves the establishment or acquisition of concerns operating in niche markets related to the parent companyââ¬â¢s product lines in the new country of operation. Japanââ¬â¢s Sony Corporation made use of sequential market entry in the United States, beginning with the establishment of a small television assembly plant in San Diego, California, in 1972. For the next two years, Sonyââ¬â¢s U. S. operations remained confined to the manufacture of televisions, the parent companyââ¬â¢s leading product line. Sony branched out in 1974 with the creation of a magnetic tape plant in Dothan, Alabama, and expanded further by opening an audio equipment plant in Delano, Pennsylvania, in 1977. After a period of consolidation brought on by an unfavorable exchange rate between the yen and dollar, Sony continued to expand and diversify its U. S. operations, adding facilities for the production of computer displays and data storage systems during the 1980s. In the 1990s, Sony further diversified it U. S. facilities and now also produces semiconductors and personal telecommunications products in the United States. Sonyââ¬â¢s example is a classic case of a multinational using its core product line to defeat indigenous competition and lay the foundation for the sequential expansion of corporate activities into related areas. Finally, multinational corporations often access new markets by creating joint ventures with firms already operating in these markets. This has particularly been the case in countries formerly or presently under communist rule, including those of the former Soviet Union, eastern Europe, and the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China. In such joint ventures, the venture partner in the market to be entered retains considerable or even complete autonomy, while realizing the advantages of technology transfer and management and production expertise from the parent concern. The establishment of joint ventures has often proved awkward in the long run for multinational corporations, which are likely to find their venture partners are formidable competitors when a more direct penetration of the new market is attempted. Multinational corporations are thus able to penetrate new markets in a variety of ways, which allow existing concerns in the market to be accessed a varying degree of autonomy and control over operations. While no one doubts the economic success and pervasiveness of multinational corporations, their motives and actions have been called into question by social welfare, environmental protection, and labor organizations and government agencies worldwide. National and international labor unions have expressed concern that multinational corporations in economically developed countries can avoid labor negotiations by simply moving their jobs to developing countries where labor costs are markedly less. Labor organizations in developing countries face the converse of the same problem, as they are usually obliged to negotiate with the national subsidiary of the multinational corporation in their country, which is usually willing to negotiate contract terms only on the basis of domestic wage standards, which may be well below those in the parent companyââ¬â¢s country. Offshore outsourcing, or offshoring, is a term used to describe the practice of using cheap foreign labor to manufacture goods or provide services only to sell them back into the domestic marketplace. Today, many Americans are concerned about the issue of whether American multinational companies will continue to export jobs to cheap overseas labor markets. In the fall of 2003, the University of California-Berkeley showed that as many as 14 million American jobs were potentially at risk over the next decade. In 2004, the United States faced a half-trillion-dollar trade deficit, with a surplus in services. Opponents of offshoring claim that it takes jobs away from Americans, while also increasing the imbalance of trade. When foreign companies set up operations in America, they usually sell the products manufactured in the U. S. to American consumers. However, when U. S. companies outsource jobs to cheap overseas labor markets, they usually sell the goods they produce to Americans, rather than to the consumers in the country in which they are made. In 2004, the states of Illinois and Tennessee passed legislation aimed at limiting offshoring; in 2005, another 16 states considered bills that would limit state aid and tax breaks to firms that outsource abroad. Insourcing, on the other hand, is a term used to describe the practice of foreign companies employing U. S. workers. Foreign automakers are among the largest insourcers. Many non-U. S. auto manufacturers have built plants in the United States, thus ensuring access to American consumers. Auto manufacturers such as Toyota now make approximately one third of its profits from U. S. car sales. Social welfare organizations are similarly concerned about the actions of multinationals, which are presumably less interested in social matters in countries in which they maintain subsidiary operations. Environmental protection agencies are equally concerned about the activities of multinationals, which often maintain environmentally hazardous operations in countries with minimal environmental protection statutes. Finally, government agencies fear the growing power of multinationals, which once again can use the threat of removing their operations from a country to secure favorable regulation and legislation. All of these concerns are valid, and abuses have undoubtedly occurred, but many forces are also at work to keep multinational corporations from wielding unlimited power over even their own operations. Increased consumer awareness of environmental and social issues and the impact of commercial activity on social welfare and environmental quality have greatly influenced the actions of all corporations in recent years, and this trend shows every sign of continuing. Multinational corporations are constrained from moving their operations into areas with excessively low labor costs given the relative lack of skilled laborers available for work in such areas. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the modern consumer to the plight of individuals in countries with repressive governments mitigates the removal of multinational business operations to areas where legal protection of workers is minimal. Examples of consumer reaction to unpopular action by multinationals are plentiful, and include the outcry against the use of sweatshop labor by Nike and activism against operations by the Shell Oil Company in Nigeria and PepsiCo in Myanmar (formerly Burma) due to the repressive nature of the governments in those countries. Multinational corporations are also constrained by consumer attitudes in environmental matters. Environmental disasters such as those which occurred in Bhopal, India (the explosion of an unsafe chemical plant operated by Union Carbide, resulting in great loss of life in surrounding areas) and Prince William Sound, Alaska (the rupture of a single-hulled tanker, the Exxon Valdez, causing an environmental catastrophe) led to ceaseless bad publicity for the corporations involved and continue to serve as a reminder of the long-term cost in consumer approval of ignoring environmental, labor, and safety concerns. Similarly, consumer awareness of global issues lessens the power of multinational corporations in their dealings with government agencies. International conventions of governments are also able to regulate the activities of multinational corporations without fear of economic reprisal, with examples including the 1987 Montreal Protocol limiting global production and use of chlorofluorocarbons and the 1989 Basel Convention regulating the treatment of and trade in chemical wastes. In fact, despite worries over the impact of multinational corporations in environmentally sensitive and economically developing areas, the corporate social performance of multinationals has been surprisingly favorable to date. The activities of multinational corporations encourage technology transfer from the developed to the developing world, and the wages paid to multinational employees in developing countries are generally above the national average. When the actions of multinationals do cause a loss of jobs in a given country, it is often the case that another multinational will move into the resulting vacuum, with little net loss of jobs in the long run. Subsidiaries of multinationals are also likely to adhere to the corporate standard of environmental protection even if this is more stringent than the regulations in place in their country of operation, and so in most cases create less pollution than similar indigenous industries.
Beach Burial Essay
Kenneth Slessor was an Australian poet and war correspondent who wrote Beach Burial, Slessor sailed for Britain in May. This influenced him to write poems about the horrific war stories that he had seen while being in many countries overseas. Beach Burial is a 5 stanza poem the goes in depth of the Burial in North Africa. Beach burial by Kenneth Slessor Beach Burial is able to be a lament poem with the use of the ââ¬Ëconvoy of dead sailorsââ¬â¢ and the focus on an individual ââ¬Ëunknown seamanââ¬â¢, this gives the poem power as it clearly shows the lack of ceremony at their burial. This idea interests me because in our society today, death is given huge respect and a large amount of the ceremony goes into someoneââ¬â¢s burial. I also think that everyone deserves a burial no matter if there was no time or no space In the poem soldiers go off to war in North Africa at El Alamein and gradually soldier become unknown sea men. Kenneth Slessor makes this powerful message using figurative language such as the onomatopoeia which brings the horrendous conditions to life, this is done with ââ¬Å"sob and clubbing of gunfireâ⬠, this exaggerates the poem, because he uses everyday things into the sound of gunfire and the grief that comes after it. In the third stanza, Slessor use somewhat of a metaphor with driven stake of ti de wood, in order for us to see that the soldiers who fought for our country are merely like a piece of drift wood in the sea. This shows how the soldiers were treated in when they died at war. As there was no place for them so they dropped the brave service men in the water with ââ¬Å"bewildered pity and they lose their identity. This brings a message to everyday life now as to this day we still honour people that fought at war and died for our country and that we should still honour the people that fight wars now to this day and what they do to keep us safe, out of harmââ¬â¢s way. This also suggests that the dead soldiers in 1940 should have got proper burial rather than dropping them of a ship and someone quickly ââ¬Å"burring them in shallow burrows.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Great Expectations by a famous Charles Dickens Essay
Great Expectations written by a famous man called Charles dickens. ââ¬Å"Great expectationsâ⬠is a famous and tense novel which was first published in the year 1860 to 1861 every fortnight in a magazine called all year round. The plot is based on a young boy called ââ¬Å"Pipâ⬠, who in the first chapter meets and odd fellow in a gloomy, dark cemetery, pip walks on and soon finds himself turned upside down bye an ex-convict who threatens pip at the throat that he would cut out his heart and his liver if pip dose not do as he says. This dark gloomy fellow scares pip which makes you sympathize for pip. In chapter 8, pip is at a house with his mean sister and her kind and caring blacksmith husband Joe. As pip is a working class orphan he has no parents just is evil sister. Then a rich old, creepy women called Miss havishem asks pip to come round and to play, as he doesnââ¬â¢t want to, his sister forced him. When he arrives he ends up in a room with no external light only candles and a dead like figure who demands him to play is Miss Havishem, she demands him to play with her beautiful older then pip daughter, Estella, whom pip falls in love with, you feel sorry for pip now because he cant get her because she is upper class and he is garbage to her. In chapter one, Dickens sets the scene by describing the marshes, saying it is an open dark place and thatââ¬â¢s were pip lives, so it make you sympathise for pip. When Magwitch comes, the mood changes to scary. When pip meets magwitch at the old gibbet, he says ââ¬Å"a gibbet with some chains hanging to it which had one held a pirate. The man was limping on towards him, as if he were the pirate come to lifeâ⬠, he was using his imagination as if magwitch was the pirates ghost which has come to life, which gives the reader the effect of an old, white, dusty, see-through pirate has returned. When Dickens describes Miss Havisham room, he says it was a large room, well lighted with candles; no glimpse of daylight was to be seen. It seems pitch black but only candles laying around, pip sees everything is faded and old, her white wedding dress which she is still wearing, is white no more, but torn and ripped and grey. All clocks have stopped at the same time in this room. As if time has come to a stand still, except for the old wrinkles lady in the chair. Reading this makes you feel scared because if you were pip, then you would not want to stay in the room. In chapter 1 in the eerie settings of the marshes, we meet the sinister character called Magwitch. As he just pops out of the bushes and bellows ââ¬Å"hold yer noise or ill cut your throatâ⬠, we get an image of a ruffled up man, a man with no hat but only rag on his head and broken shoes, and he is soaked in water and mud. When we see that he has a shackle on his leg we know he is an escaped convict. When he threatens pip to cut out his heart and liver and lies about having someone else who will get him when he is asleep in his cosy bed, then you see how much he wants the food and file. It is ironic that magwitch will be his benefactor after all his threats and bullying. When pip walks into Miss Havishem room and sees its all dark, we get a feeling of eerie. All the things the rooms are grey and aged, just like her, dickens writes:- Her shoes were white, a long white vale, I saw everything in my view which ought to be whiteâ⬠. He repeats the word ââ¬Å"whiteâ⬠, which gives an effect of how old everything is. He describes she is like a corpse ââ¬Å"I sometimes have sick fanciesâ⬠miss havishem says and then she says she wants pip to play and clicks her fingers at pip and makes pip fell uncomfortable, which is weird for an old lady to demand a young boy to play. Pip who is the main character of Great Expectations is an orphan that lives in a boggy environment which makes you feel sorry for pip. He then meets magwitch and even tho he scares pip, as dickens describes him as ââ¬Å"a bundle of shiversâ⬠pip still remembers his manners and he has respect for elders even magwitch. Half way through dickens changes 1st, 3rd person which show how small he is in retrospective view. When pip enters the room with Miss Havishem in it, he feels scared but he is still polite towards her. When she I talking to pop he tries to avoid eye contact wit her when Miss Havishem asks if he is scared of a women who has not daylight since before he was born, he lies and says ââ¬Å"noâ⬠. when she calls Estella in the room, pip immediately fall in love with her, but when she says no because he is a working class boy, he turn his back on Joe and hates him because he did teach him how to be a gentle man and cries then kicks the wall. In Great Expectations, Dickens writes in the first person about Pip life. Chapters one and eight are the two key chapters that are enough to hook the reader. Dickens includes strange characters, like Magwitch in the cemetery. The story is a journey of pips life from child hood to man hood and it shows all his emotions and fears through out. Dickens uses his imagination which appeals to the audience and his vocabulary to his advantage, writing out all pips emotions, making you feel as if you were Pip, which makes this a very good and famous story. All of the characters are different and each has their own dramatic events. Great expectation is a well known novel because it hooks you from the 1st chapter all the way to the end.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Why I Want to Study Msc in Finance and Investment and How I Feel I Can Essay
Why I Want to Study Msc in Finance and Investment and How I Feel I Can Contribute to the Course - Essay Example I attribute this to the environment I grew in where most people were business people who had invested in different sectors of the economy. I undertook the course of Finance and Investment during my undergraduate programme and I would like to get a deeper understanding of the field. This would be possible through a MSC undertaking in the course. I want to gain the necessary skills and knowledge needed in the sphere in order for me to have first hand information when approaching investment situations. The understanding that I inherently have in issues of investment and finance also plays one of the most significant roles in my choice of pursuance of the MSC course in Finance and investment. Among my understanding is the appreciation that money which is invested wisely will generate more money, thus, boosting a countryââ¬â¢s economy (John, 2006, p. 58). In the contemporary society, entrepreneurship is the only way of building a countryââ¬â¢s economy since job opportunities are min imal. Due to this, it is very important for one to understand how to identify opportunities and strategize appropriately on how to use the available resources to generate more money. In this regard I will play a role in boosting the economy. MSc in finance and investment will enable me to understand behavioral finance.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Answer the two questions....Strategic planning Essay
Answer the two questions....Strategic planning - Essay Example The decline in rates of repair can be demonstrated in the numbers and the industry is growing smaller and smaller rather than growing globally (Street, 2012). In the past decade, more than four thousand businesses that dealt specifically with repair have had to close their businesses in the US alone with the decline largely affecting service centers that dealt with consumer electronics as more than ten thousand shops have closed or have sought other businesses that are more profitable. The service technicians with an ability to deal with consumer electronics, small appliances and household electronics are becoming more difficult to find and this somewhat restricts the rate at which shops are able to service high-end appliances. If technicians with appropriate training are not available, then the owners of the service shops are not able to remain ahead of their competition or expand their operations globally through attracting the appropriate forms of repair jobs. Without a sufficient number of repair jobs on high-en appliances, the owners of shops cannot be able to afford employing the best and most skilled technicians. In the recent past, most consumers are keen on having their products, which are covered by warranties, repaired at authorized service shops (Bostick & Freese, 2012). Usually, there are businesses which are ran privately while having contracts with the manufacturers of specific products, with the service technicians being trained by the manufacturer s themselves. Every so often, industry associations provide sponsorships for trade shows that provide opportunities for manufacturers to offer seminars so that owners of repair shops and their technician can be certified and re-certified. *.. Analyze the impact of national context as it pertains to the appliance repair industry. Does national context help or hinder these companies in achieving a competitive advantage in the global marketplace? The American market for home appliance has gone through
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Costa Rica Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Costa Rica Geography - Essay Example Electronic products are one type of products exported by Costa Rica and it is mainly Intel products. Despite the bug plague, Costa Rica still remains as a major banana exporter. Lastly, although harvested by mostly Nicaraguan migrants, bananas are also another major export product from Costa Rica. Generally from the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica imports medicines. The country also imports petroleum products from other countries in order to finance its industrial operations. Lastly, Costa Rica also imports integrated circuits from other countries as many are needed in the emerging industries of the country. Despite the rich Spanish cultural heritage of the country, Costa Rica is beset with several problems and two are worth mentioning. The first issue, and probably the most important, is deforestation and the destruction of natural resources. There are only few laws to protect the flora and fauna in Costa Rica and many existing laws are not properly enforced. Another thing is that the country does not have a military force thus this poses as a risk for the country. Nevertheless, there is still good quality exports, an equally great tourism industry, and relatively low unemployment and poverty rates plus the beautiful land and water forms. That is still so much to be thankful for. Adams, Becket. ââ¬Å"U.S. Unemployment Down to 6.6 Percent, Labor Participation at 35-Year Low.â⬠2014. The Blaze. 5 Feb 2014.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Modern Slavery and 4-1-9 Fraud Schemes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Modern Slavery and 4-1-9 Fraud Schemes - Essay Example Some of these are a) slaves are available at cheap rate which ranges from USD 80 to USD 5000 or even more based on the quality of slaves b) bonded labors c) Forced prostitution d) Forced Marriage / Child Marriage e) Forced beggary (Symons, 2012). The major victims of slave trade are poor and downtrodden people of the society. Most of them are from destabilized states at the hands of war, natural calamities, poverty and those who suffered at the hands of civil unrest / civil wars. Q: Why is the scam letters referred to as ââ¬Å"4-1-9â⬠schemes?à The scam is referred to as ââ¬Å"4-1-9â⬠due to application of given modalities by the scammers. In addition, the article that deals with fraud as per Nigerian law and criminal code is numbered as 419 due to which, the Nigerian frauds are termed as 4-1-9 schemes (Dillon, 2008): a) Sending letters / faxes or emails to the victims by the impersonators posing themselves as representatives of foreign government agencies. b) Fake age ncies offered victims millions of dollars to deposit in their personal accounts by way of ââ¬Å"over invoice contractsâ⬠. c) Encouraged victims to travel to the destined places to complete the transactions. d) Scammers asked victims to provide blank letterhead of their company that enumerates phone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses to correspond. e) Scammers send number of fake official documents which look as good as authenticated. By way of this technique, the company convinced victims to pay off the upfront fees/charges in advance. f) The documents that relates to ââ¬Å"419â⬠schemes include: a) goods / services b) real estate business c) availability of crude oil at a dam cheap rate besides facilitation of conversion of currency. Q: What is the likely profile of a typical 4-1-9 victim?à The successful fraudulent cases so far unearthed relate to upfront fees / charges that were transferred to scammers. The modus operandi is that the applicant company / indiv idual receives letter by mail from a Nigerian citizen claiming himself a top notch of the Nigerian Government. In the mentioned letter, the so-called Nigerian high official informs the company that in order to have a contract, the individual or the company has to deposit upfront fees/charges that ranges from USD 10 to 60 million as a precondition of the Nigerian Government. The source of information about the victims is a) Trade bodies b) Commercial Attaches c) Trade directories etc. They focus on a number of traders / companies of the targeted countries and send them emails, faxes and emails impersonating themselves as the high ups of the concerned ministry of the Nigerian Government in general and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation in specific to strike a deal (ââ¬Å"What is the ââ¬Ë419ââ¬â¢ Scam?â⬠). The scammers invited victims to travel to the said country to materialize the transaction without going through the cumbersome procedure of seeking visa. By brib ing the airport officials, they ensure entrance of victims in their country. Since the entrance in the mentioned country without having a valid visa is a serious offence, therefore the scammers use it against the victim to cow him down for the release of proposed funds. Apart from said tactic they do not mind in applying other harmful tactics if need arises.Ã
The 7 Variables of Culture during Chinese and American Business Essay
The 7 Variables of Culture during Chinese and American Business Negiotiations in a Corporate Law Firm - Essay Example ââ¬Å"Negotiation is a process whereby two or more parties--be they individuals, groups, or larger social units--interact in developing potential agreements to provide guidance and regulation of their future behavior. Such negotiation can be conducted between nations; between companies; or between any two or more parties that need to cooperate or bargain to attain certain common or conflicting ends.â⬠(Phatak & Habib, 1996) Most of the international negotiations are between two companies or two nations. Because of lot of differences like social, cultural, linguistic, environmental legal and technological, international business negotiations is not an easy task. Both the parties should have considered lot of factors before arriving at an agreement. The cultural dimensions of international business negotiations are defined by former professor of Eastern Michigan University, David A. Victor in his famous LESCANT model of cultural variables. They are Language, Environment, Social organization, Contexting, Authority, Nonverbal behavior, and Temporal conception. (The cultural variables for development of models of culture) Language is an important entity in every business negotiations especially in international business negotiations. The views and opinions of each party can be communicated properly if both the parties donââ¬â¢t have a language barrier. Language fluency and accent can affect a business deal. Both the parties must understand clearly what others are trying to communicate or convince. English is an international language or global language used in almost every country and in most of the international business negotiations it is used as the medium for communications. The competency of Chinese people in English language is less compared to some other countries like India, Japan or Pakistan. ââ¬Å"English has no legacy in the land of China. In fact, China had a long history of deliberately avoiding contact with the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Terms of contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Terms of contract - Essay Example This is one of the expressed terms of the agreement. The terms of any contract define the obligations and promises in the contract. A party who fails to abide by the agreed terms of a contract is said to have breached the contract. Thus, if a term is breached the innocent party will invariably have a remedy for breach. However, it is necessary to classify terms because of the way the law deals with any breach not fulfilling the specified requirements of a particular term. Any term which is important or goes to the root of the contract is called a condition, see Poussard v Spiers.1 Less important terms which does not go to the root of the contract is called warranties, Bettini v Gye.2 The consequential difference of the distinction is that a breach of condition gives rise to the possibility of repudiating the contract and claiming damages, although the injured party can carry on with the contract and claim damages rather than getting out of the contract altogether, whereas, a breach o f warranty gives the right to claim damages only. In the present case the intention of the parties as to the use of Welsh plate is not clearly shown or expressed as a condition or warranty by the parties. ... tted that the court is likely to find here that the Church has not been deprived substantially of the whole benefit because although welsh slate was not used the finished look was the same as the original 15th century roof and just as durable. See, Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society4, here Lord Hoffmann set out five principles on the interpretation of contractual documents. I advise the Church to claim damages. Second, with regard to the Issue of half replacement of the benches by Fixit, it might be possible for the Church to repudiate the contract with Fixit. In that if an obligation is entire (replace all the Benches) then it must be completely performed or the other party will be entitled to refuse to perform his side of the contract.5 Fixit could argue that the contract is divisible and as such be paid on quantum merit. However, the Court of Appeal in Darkin v Lee6 stated that there is a material difference between work that was abandoned and work which was completed badly. It was stated in the case that where a builder has supplied work and labour for the creation or repair of a house under a lump sum contract, but has departed from the terms of the contract, he is entitled to recover for his services, unless (1) the work that he has done has been of no benefit to the owner; (2) the work that he has done is entirely different from the work which he has contracted to do; or (3) he has abandoned the work and left it unfinished. It follows therefore that Fixit abandoned the work for another more lucrative work, and as such will not be able to recover anything and may further be liable for any necessarily incurred expenses and damages as a result. As Fixit has expressly or impliedly let the Reverend know before the time of completion is
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Comparison -contrast essay army vs airforce Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comparison -contrast army vs airforce - Essay Example One of the main differences of course lies in the defence regulations of each branch. It is usually assumed that the air force is the only primary air defence whereas, it is often overlooked that the army also has a large number of defensive aircrafts. The basic difference is that the air force has more aircrafts devoted to research and development wherein new and latest technology is used to make more powerful aircrafts, while the army is always in preparedness and maintains constantly a battle ready fleet of aircrafts. The army when compared to the air force is capable of deploying its own massive air defence if required at anytime. The air force is however focused on maintaining a larger scope and geographically distributed air defence with its fleet, the army on the other hand concentrates on short range and more of emergency support which explains the functional designs of the aircrafts used by them. This reflects why the army uses short range aircrafts as opposed to the long range ones used in the air force, as they are mainly used for the in and out missions which does not require the long distance and high altitude defence strategies. This clearly defines each unitââ¬â¢s role in the defence function and its goals in general. When we take aircraft as the criteria the most general difference is the fact that aircraft focus or specialisation is a part of a very small function of these units when compared to the military as a whole. Stealth aircrafts are more for long range purposes which is why the airforce posses them while the army focuses more on maneuverability which is the main issue when it comes to the capabilities and functions of the aircraft. The airforce which concentrates on airpower therefore focuses on a combination of stealth, maneuverability and super speed with letahl exponents. Thus we can assume that the airforce jets donââ¬â¢t focus on the survivability factor while the the army tends to carry out more
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Business-to-Business Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Business-to-Business Marketing - Case Study Example Advertising as a tool helps to get a companyââ¬â¢s messages to large audiences well through avenues such as television, radio,à Newspapers, Magazines, Billboards, Internet etc.; other mobile technological communication devices may also be used. This method can successfully reach a large number of customers, although it may be somewhat expensive. This tool is usually used through contests, premiums, coupons, samples, demonstrations, incentives or displays. Though it attracts a large number of customers, it can only be used to accelerate short-term sales, by encouraging repeat buying and building brand awareness.à This tool of marketing communication is initiated through news/press releases, public appearances, or sometimes event sponsorships. It is a good way of building trust and goodwill by presenting the service or company in a positive light. Public Relation refers to how a company handles its relationships and the flow of information with the various publics which include the general public, shareholders, consumers, employees, partners, the government and competitors.à Sarah and Peter must look at legal, regulatory, social, competitive, technological, ethical and cultural considerations before opting for any of the above options as a communication tool. One thing that they must avoid is when choosing any of the tool s and activating it, they do not end up reaching an inappropriate audience or cause controversy. It could be damaging for the company when trying to build up brand awareness and encouraging customers to spend on a companyââ¬â¢s products. Decisions that link the overall objectives and strategy during the marketing planning phase helps to evaluate and adjust the particular activities of integrated marketing communication.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Duhem and the Good Sense of the Physicist Essay Example for Free
Duhem and the Good Sense of the Physicist Essay This paper will examine Duhemââ¬â¢s good sense of a physicist. We will also succinctly discuss his reason behind this claim. To explain Duhemââ¬â¢s good sense of a physicist, different experiments involving systematic procedures will be inspected, and J. J. Thomsonââ¬â¢s experiment on cathode ray tube is one of these experiments. Two hypotheses about electricity that received worldwide acknowledgement will also be discussed. The explanation of these hypotheses will further question Duhemââ¬â¢s claim on the good sense of a physicist. Jean Perrinââ¬â¢s contradictory presentation about the effectiveness of experiments in testing hypotheses contributes to the goal of this paper. The Good Sense The good sense of Physicist examined by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (1861-1916) can be used to determine very confusing and contradicting experimental results. He encouraged the use of this ââ¬Ëgood senseââ¬â¢ since there are discoveries that doesnââ¬â¢t require extensive experiments and the ââ¬Ëgood senseââ¬â¢ of the physicist will be the guide to solve a problem. Duhem argued that this is enough to accept a good and well-explained hypothesis. He also encouraged the revision of a claim to accommodate and balance a confusing experiment. However, this method is too ambiguous and irrational especially for those tests that needed extensive experimental guidance. The use of the good sense is too risky for future purposes. One good move that we can consider to refute Duhemââ¬â¢s claim about the good sense of a physicist is to examine the approach used by different scientists. Sir Joseph John Thomsonââ¬â¢s (1856-1940) experiment on the cathode rays and the cathode ray tube prompted an innovative period in the field of electricity. This experiment led to the discovery of electrons and other subatomic particles, a breakthrough that enhanced the understanding of the composition and behavior of matters. Three different experiments were performed using these cathode ray tubes. Thomson first used magnetism to see if there is a chance that the negative charge will be separated from the cathode rays (Park). Further elaboration of this experiment led him to the conclusion that the negative charge and the cathode rays are inseparable. In his second experiment, his main objective was to know if the presence of an electric field would influence the projection and behavior of rays. He constructed a nearly perfect cathode ray vacuum because he believed that previous experiments failed because of the presence of different gaseous element in the air. With his subsequent procedures, he was able to prove that the electric field could really influence the movement of rays because these rays were deflected, signifying the track of the negative charge. Thomsonââ¬â¢s third experiment involves the measurement of the charge-to-mass ratio of the cathode rays. He measured the amount of cathode rays that were averted due to the presence of a magnetic field. He also measured the amount of energy they have. His observation led him to conclude that either the particles were very light or greatly charged because the charge to mass ratio was more than a thousand times greater compared to a hydrogen ion. Thomsonââ¬â¢s hypotheses were proven not just because of merely theorizing. He proved it because he followed a systematic procedure. His path was guided by previously known facts. He was also guided by the failures of earlier experiments. In 1913, there were two hypotheses that had gained universal acceptance. The first one states that electricity occurs in discrete fundamental units. The second hypothesis states that the magnitude of the negative charge is three times smaller than the smallest mass associated with the fundamental unit of positive charge. The development of these hypotheses was brought about by the continuous growth of awareness in electricity. The discovery of the Avogadroââ¬â¢s number, mle and e of the constituents of various electrical discharges, mle and e of gaseous ions, and the total charge of a mole of monovalent ions Ne gave rise to this outcome. Duhem should give importance to the experiment conducted that supports these hypotheses. According to Jean Perrin, hypothesis, in most cases, is both essential and productive (Soshichi). He explained it in terms of examining a machine. He said that we do not just study a machine by just considering the visible and tangible parts. We will go as far as our eyes can tell us if we only consider this. Aside from these visible parts, we also seek the properties of the hidden gears that can explain its evident motions. To explain this, we must relate the visible parts to the invisible parts. If it is outside our scope of understanding, we seek retribution by studying its components part. There we formulate our hypothesis. Because we have the intuitive intelligence needed in solving such complex problem, Perrin added, we were able to give rise to the doctrine of Atoms. Perrinââ¬â¢s method is mainly based on experimental foundations. We can divide Perrinââ¬â¢s experimental inquisition into two. The first division is consisting of checking whether the result of an experiment follows a given algebraic distribution. The second step involves using approximation of the coefficient of diffusion, which is vital for gaining the Avogadro number. According to Duhem, a physicist can never test an isolated hypothesis. A physicist can never leave the theory outside the door of the laboratory since a failed prediction or experimental test cannot tell a scientist where the error lies. It can only tell him to examine further the experiment and try not to commit the same mistake. In our modern times, a hypothesis is not valid unless it is tested. In this paper, we have succinctly discussed his reason behind this claim. To explain Duhemââ¬â¢s good sense of a physicist, different experiments involving systematic procedures was inspected, and J. J. Thomsonââ¬â¢s experiment on cathode ray tube is one of these experiments. Two hypotheses about electricity that received worldwide acknowledgement were discussed. Jean Perrinââ¬â¢s contradictory presentation about the effectiveness of experiments in testing hypotheses contributes to the goal of this paper. The good sense amounted in this case is the rational way a physicists approach a problem. They used experiments to support their claim, not just downright theory. The good sense of a physicist accounts for his sense of creativity, how he develops his own way of obtaining an answer to a hypothesis. All of this is through experiments. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Pierre Marie Maurice Duhem. â⬠March, 2001. JOCEFR. 12 May, 2008 http://www-groups. dcs. st-and. ac. uk/~history/Biographies/Duhem. html. Park, John L. 1996. ââ¬Å"J. J. Thomsonââ¬â¢s Cathode Ray Tubeâ⬠. 12 May, 2008 http://dbhs. wvusd. k12. ca. us/webdocs/AtomicStructure/Disc-of-Electron-Images. html. Ariew, Roger. 13 July, 2007. ââ¬Å"Pierre Duhemâ⬠. 12 May, 2008. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/duhem/. Soshichi, Uchii. 9 February, 2001. ââ¬Å"Jean Perrinââ¬â¢s Book on Atomsâ⬠. 12 May, 2008. http://www. bun. kyoto-u. ac. jp/~suchii/perrin. html.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Beowulf Is A Christian Hero Religion Essay
Beowulf Is A Christian Hero Religion Essay Have you ever had the privilege of reading George Orwells novel known as Animal Farm? If so, you are probably well aware that it is a book that reflects the government and leadership of the days in which it was written. Many people believe that Beowulf is similar to Animal Farm in that it also reflects a part of the culture of its day. But instead of reflecting government, like Animal Farm, Beowulf reflects the changes in the religious culture of England. While describing the background of Beowulf, Burton Raffel points out, When Beowulf was composed, England was changing from a pagan to a Christian culture. Therefore, Beowulf signifies the Christian culture that is overcoming and replacing the pagan culture, which is signified by Grendel, his mother, and the dragon. Beowulf, the poem, may have been written by a heathen (which is a debate for another paper) but Beowulf the character was a Christian. Raffels point can be taken a step further. Not only did Beowulf symbolize the Christian culture, but he also symbolized Christ himself. Along with that comes the idea that Grendel, his mother, and the dragon not only symbolize the pagan culture but also Satan, the devil, or simply evil. The most obvious act of displaying Christ seen in Beowulf is when he sacrificed his own life to kill the dragon and ensure the safety of his people. The next example is not quite as obvious as the first but is still reasonable. Throughout the entire poem, Grendel and his mom are both referred to as the devil or a demon several times. So Hrothgars men lived happy in his hall/ Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend, Grendelà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ (Raffel 39). Later on, after Grendel attacked and killed some soldiers in Herot, the name calling continues: In Herot, a mighty prince mourning/ The fate of his lost friends and companions,/ Knowing by its tracks that some demon had torn/ His followers apart. (Raffel 40). Later on when Hrothgar tells Beowulf of what his people have seen, they describe Grendel and his mother in the following way: And theyve said to my wise men that, as well as they could see,/ One of the devils was a female creature. (Raffel 49). Sometimes the author is not as flagrant in his or her references to Grendel and his mom as the devil or demons. Sometimes the author simply hints at the idea. Speaking of Grendel he says, living down in the darkness, where the darkness is referring to hell (Raffel 39). The most obvious hint at the idea is when Grendel will not touch Hrothgars throne because it was protected by God: Though he lived/ In Herot, when the night hid him, he never/ Dared to touch King Hrothgars glorious/ Throne, protected by God God,/ Whose love Grendel could not know. (Raffel 41). This point can be further understood after reading James 2:19. Grendel knows of God yet lives in fear of him. The last hint the author gives is when he calls Grendels mothers cave the God-cursed roof to once again have the place where they live resemble Hell (Heaney 211). Considering the fact that Beowulf defeated these demons or devils pushes the idea even further that he is a Christ figure throughout the poem. Now thinking realistically, how could a story about a pagan who resembles Christ last for several centuries if never written down? It simply could not have. Realistically, for an oral story to last so long, the Christ figure must have intentionally been depicted by a Christ follower or else the story would have basically no meaning or value to anyone at all and therefore be forgotten. Throughout the text, God, as well as many Biblical characters and events, are mentioned and recognized and even prayed to by Beowulf himself. In the very beginning, literally the seventh line of the poem, the Creation is spoken of: The Almighty making the earth, shaping/ These beautiful plains marked off by oceans,/ Then proudly setting the sun and moon/ To glow across the land and light it (Raffel 39). Not too long after that, Cain and Abel are mentioned: Conceived by a pair of those monsters born/ Of Cain, murderous creatures banished/ By God, punished forever for the crime/ Of Abels death. (Raffel 39-40). The most significant segment is when Beowulf prays to God and thanks him for his loot or treasure: For this, this gold, these jewels, I thank our Father in Heaven, Ruler of the Earthà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ (Raffel 59). This shows us not only that Beowulf acknowledged Gods mere existence but that he also considered Him the Ruler of the Earth and knew that He was the one who brought him al l of his wealth. Yes, it is true that even Satan himself believes in Gods existence and that He is the Ruler of the Earth. In James 2:19 the Bible states, You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder. But Beowulfs belief in and of God goes further and deeper than the demons belief. This is backed up later on when Beowulfs eternity in heaven is mentioned. Please do not take my word and my translation of the poem alone. This is not just a personal opinion. Other literature experts have said the exact same thing that I am. Larry D. Benson suggested that the pagan material was added to Beowulf in order to arouse sympathy (Ogilvy 169). An anonymous student wrote a short paper on the matter. Speaking of the poem Beowulf, he said, Although showing signs of being a pagan story, Beowulf is primarily a Christian story. The argument for Beowulf as a Christian poem goes hand in hand with my first point that it signifies the religious and cultural changes that were taking place in its time. Now here are a couple of the top arguments that try to say Beowulf is not a Christian. Arguably the most popular argument is that Beowulf does not believe in God but instead believes in fate. Someone that wrote a paper on Beowulf, who is known as Ultisch said, Many times throughout Beowulf, the author will reference fate, while speaking of Godà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ To reword, they are saying that, yes, Beowulf does mention fate, but when he does, he is referring to Gods ultimate sovereignty and control and not something of pure chance or luck. Some people also like to argue that Beowulfs death bed wish to see the treasures he just earned, instead of his family or something of more long term value, is proof that he was not a Christian. As he dies, Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him the treasure that the dragon was guarding. (Raffel 58). Now think reasonably. How can this logically prove that he was not a Christian? He is simply being reasonable and realistic. He knows he does not have enough t ime left and that he can not see his family. In their book, J.D.A Ogilvy and Donald C. Baker say, Beowulf is dying why not see the treasure? Even if this was not the case and Beowulf was being greedy, it still would not prove anything. Is a mans greed proof that he is an unbeliever? The obvious answer is no. In Roman 3:23 the Bible says, For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Just because a man sinned does not mean he is not a Christian. In conclusion, Beowulf was a Christian man and did go to heaven in the end. Yes, there is more proof for that too. At the end of the poem, Beowulfs death is described in this way: His soul left his flesh, flew to glory. (Raffel 59). The word glory here quite obviously means heaven. Also, before he fights the dragon, Beowulf says, Ive never known fear, (Raffel 54) saying that he is not afraid to die. This shows us that he knows his eternity is secure in the Lord. This proves that Beowulfs belief in and of God goes further than that of the demons and that he truly is a child of God.
Market audit and competitive analysis
Market audit and competitive analysis play a vital role in to any business. When consider about the market in Malaysia; they are mainly import electrical and electronic products from America,Singapore,Europe,china and Japan and also they import some products as machinery,iron,steel and also chemical. It shows that they are well developed country and also very dynamic. Because above countries are famous for the quality branded products. Since this is a very energetic country, lifestyle changes could lead to boost the demand for the readymade foods and health foods and always they are rich with tropical and agricultural possessions. Diverse cultures in Malaysian society would be another reason. There are 94 different types of cultures. Mainly there is Malay, Chinese, and Indian has intriguing range of processed food with an Asian bend. Since today people improve their awareness towards the nutrition foods in view of the fact that healthcare processed by cereals, fresh foods and other sea foods Malaysian also do the same. According to the details provided by Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia, Manufacture of snacks getting decreased by 7.5% and rice milling increased by 7.7% and Manufacture of condensed, powdered, evaporated milk increased by 11.9%.that shows that how people connected with easy foods.(Appendix _1) But according to the sales of selected processed food and beverage products table published by Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia, shows purchasing frequent of snacks improved by 38.6% and it shows that how they are prefer fast foods. (Appendix_2) According to the appendix_1 appendix_2 tables show production has gone down and purchasing has got increased, there is a gap which has occurred due to this reason. Accordingly there is a greater chance to set up our product line; Munchees Nutriplus in Malaysian market. Because the demand for snacks in Malaysia has increased while the supply decreasing. So that would be an opportunity for us. Our product could able to fill the gap in the market. Through this market audit we will illustrate the food market of Malaysia. The geographical location how the free market economy effect to the food products in Malaysia. Describe the market (s) in which the product is to be sold According to our research we have found that Malaysia also engaged in international trade. Because of this free trade concept Malaysia also globalized; there are many number of competitive products which are come from all over the world. Since our main target market is highly busy working crowd we better prepare to export our product to urban areas such as Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, and Penang Selangor. (City population; n.d.) 1. GEOGRAPHICAL REGION (S) Geographical characteristics would be another concern by the marketer since it helps to evaluate countrys market potential. Malaysia is a one biggest country in the world an area of 329758 sq km. Land size is 328,558 sq km.and water 1200 sq km.malaysia is a country which is located in south eastern asia in between 2Ã °-7Ã ° degrees and in the north part of the equator, peninsula is a separate part and Sabah, Sarawak states are situated on the Boneo Island. Thailand is northern neighbor while southern neighbor is Singapore. Its area geographically 230Ã ° N and 11230Ã ° E. the capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur.It is a multi ethnic country and population is over 22 million. CLIMATE: malaysia is a country which is verymuch close to the equator,because of that all over the year it has Tropical weather with warm climate. Temperature of the malaysia is in between 21 Ã °C 32Ã ° is an average temperature of 27Ã ° C. Rainfall vary from 2000mm to 2500mm in annually with thunder and lightning.all the time there are cloudy climate in most of the cities. CULTURE: In malaysia there is a very friendly,warm and hospitable culture of its has a combined population of over 22 million ;they are Malay 59%,other indigenous 32% chinese Indian 9%.because of this cultural multiplicity many external parties interact towards the Malaysia.malaysia is located in between the middle of the indian ocean and south china.therfore it has been considered as a meeting point for traders and travellers and at the same time as multicultural and multinational country.that would be the reson for the main evolution of the socio cultural activities,traditions,dressings,languages and foods. Since our product is vege product,we dont much consider about it.That would be a greater opportunity for our product since Muslims prefer Halal foods and malaysian prefer fast foods. LANGUAGES: When consider about the languages Malay is the official language and more than 59% used to talk by Malay. Since English is an international language Malaysian people widely spoken English in business arena and English subject is compulsory in all schools too. And there are many languages such as Chinese, Tamil, mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, and several tribal lingoes. So in the product packaging we should use both Malay and English languages when we put instructions. Because Malay is the official language and English is an international and widely spoken language in Malaysia. RELIGION: Once reflect on religion; all primary Malays are Muslims. So Islam is considered as the official religious conviction but anybody can accomplish any other religion generously. And also there are religions like Buddism, Hindu, Christianity, Confucianism, Taoism and tribal religions. When launch the new product to the market religion affects a lot more, especially for the Muslims they are using Halal foods. But since this product contents cereals it wont be an issue. MAJOR HOLIDAYS: Knowing major holidays is another important subject when company goes to launch a product to the new country.because those holidays could be effect to the business since if we unable to manage them;according to the market audit followings are the major holidays in malaysia. New Years Day January 1 National Holiday Chinese New Year January 24 25 -National Holiday Federal Territory Day February 1 KL Labuan only Labour Day May 1 National holidays Wesak Day -May National holidays Kings Birthday June 2 National Day August 31 National holidays Deepavali November 14 Except Sarawak Labuan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri December 16 17 National holidays Christmas -December 25 National holidays It is very much vital for us to knowing about these holidays;because when we aware about the holidays we can have power over the issues which could be happened.especially since this is a food product we have to much more aware about this since it could be expire.and also another chance which could occur on behalf of is;we can offer special promotions such as budget packets,gifts and many more for the special occasions such as New year,chinese new year,deepavali and christmas. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: regulatory inventory CURRENCY: Malaysian currency is known as Ringgit and it indicated as RM BANKINGHOURS: Most states: Mon-Fri: 9.30am-4.00pm Sat: 9.30am-11.30am Sun: closed Kedah, Kelantan Terengganu: Sat-Wed: 9.30am-4.00pm Thur: 9.30am 11.30am Fri: closed. POST OFFICES: Open from 8.00am to 5.00pm daily except Sundays and public holidays. In Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu post offices are closed on Fridays and public holidays. TIME : Eight hours ahead of GMT and 16 hours ahead of U.S. Pacific Standard Time. ELECTRICITY: Voltage is 220 240 volts A C at 50 cycles per second. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES: Malaysia follows the metric system in weights and measures. TELEPHONES: Local calls can be made from public phones using coins or pre-paid cards. International calls can be made from public phones with card phone facilities or at any Telekom offices. LAND TOPOGRAPHY: (shan) Malaysia is a country of spectacular beauty to show off with staggering sights of hills, lush greens forests, and rhythmic rivers. The peninsula is divided into Eastern and western parts by the Banjaran Titiwangsa or the Main Range goes through Malaysia-Thai border in the north to the southern state of Negeri Sembilan. Tallest mountain in state of Pahang is Gunung Tahan which has a height of 2,187m. There are many other mountains in Malaysia, such as Mount Gunung Jerai in Kedah, Bukit Larut in Perak and the fabled Gunung Ledang (Mount Ophir) which is located in the Melaka-Johor border. Crocker Range is considered as one of main highlands of Sabah which has a height of 457- 914m and it holds three top highest mountains of Malaysia, namely; Mount Kinabalu (4,101m), Gunung Trus Madi (2,597m) and Gunung Tambuyukon (2,579m). Sarawaks tallest mountains are Gunung Murud (2,425m) and Gunung Mulu (2,371m) and it also encompasses the worlds largest natural cave system. In addition, Sungai Rejang (563km) finds its way through Sarawak and it is the longest river. The river can be used to transportation up to Kapit, 100km upstream with small coastal steamers. Malaysia proudly placed as one of the prominent countries to have forest-covered hills in the Asia Pacific region. Malaysian geography presents a terrain which is highly enriched with resources and biological diversity. DOS DONTS: When we select Malaysia for our market development program we should scrutinize local customs and practices. Especially we should be concerned about the common courtesies and customs to be close to them and make them feel that this is our product and matching with our cultural practices. Because culture is helps to peoples heart touching. Thats the most viable manner which helps to lucrative of the business.malaysia has a low-contest culture; so they are much more consider about the personal associations beyond the business.malaysians are highly diversified from religion as well as ethnically.malaysians are more lean to wear professionally and yellow color is considered as a royal color. Bribery is consider as a critical crime by foreign public officials. NATURAL HAZARDS: The Most of the times Malaysians are faced by the many natural disasters such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, typhoons and forest fires. So since we decided to launch our product to Malaysia we should aware about this kind of natural calamities which could happen since it effects to the business and also for the distribution channels, packaging, exporting and all those kind of steps. 2. Forms of transportation and communication available in that region TRANSPORTATION: RANSPORTATION As a well developed country Malaysia is provided by an admirable transport system. There is transport accessible even remote areas .Kuala Lumpur, its capital is considered as the main transportation hub. It is powerfully established for buses, taxis, trains, electronic trains, which served as public transportation. And also there are many ferry and boat services all around the country. Our product deliveries to the respective local markets can be transported through the boat services. Malaysia has its own career; Malaysian airlines. Every flights arrive and depart at Kuala Lumpur international airport located at Sepang also there are flights connecting with most major cities and also to Sabah Sarawak. There are old international airport in Subang namely the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah airport now it caters just for the domestic air services. Other major international airports are Penang, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and Langkawi. Buses are economical way to travel in Malaysia. There are air-conditioned buses as well as non air conditioned buses. So when we distribute our product to the rural areas we can get support from this interstate bus service. Malaysian railways attach with all main cities in the peninsular There are many numbers of ports of entry in to Malaysia. Ports are located in Penang, Port Klang, Kuantan, and Kuching Koto Kinebalu.Since there are many number of ports available we suppose to export our products through shipping lines. Since it is the easiest way to And also there are sea Cruises available from Ports in between Selanger Kuantan and Sabah Sarawak. When delivering our products to Malaysia; there are two possible modes of transportation that can be utilized. Air transportation is fast but expensive. Maritime transportation is relatively slow however cost effective. For normal product deliveries maritime transportation is the best transportation solution existing the market. However air transportation can be an efficient means of getting product deliveries to manage emergency stock-outs and unexpected demand teaks. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Malaysian communication is enhanced with advanced technology.therefore we can have this opportunity to make the consumer of our product by using this advantage in malaysian market. 3. Consumer buying habits Product use patterns In our inspection towards the Munchees Nutri-plus product line in the Malaysian market; we are find some information about that how the product like Snack use in Malaysian market? What are the potential markets for our product? And also what are the product use patterns in this specific country? As we got to know because of this busy life style Malaysian people have increased the consumption of fast foods. Especially they prefer nutria-snacks since they are highly concerned about their health. It is a golden opportunity for us to been their because their demand is increasing for this kind of products. According to the surveys it found that Malaysian people have spent more on fresh foods and fruits. So again it is a greater chance for us since we have many different favors with our product. Since those people are highly busy with their work they can immediately consumed our product as refreshment or as a breakfast and also with milk or without milk. The Malaysian consumer eating pattern consist more fat and cholesterol since they prefer to eat rice and meat. Our products are nutritional and healthy with low elements of cholesterol and fats therefore a successful penetration in to the middle income market segmentation will enable us to export our market potential. Further Malaysian consumers are shifting to buy organic and healthy product.Therefor e our product which contain the said elements will have a considerable period of product life cycle. 2005/2006 from Beijing to Budapest winning brands Product feature preferences Product feature preferences may vary from market to market. Since this is a small packet it would be preferred by everyone; since it wont be a price matter a lot. In 2007 onwards it was a major trend in Malaysia to focus on the health conscious products. So when they purchasing a product they mainly concern about the quality and the healthier products. So it is another identified opportunity for our product; munchee nutri-plus product line. It is manufactured by using cereals such as soya beens, rice and etc which helps to increase the nutritious. And also Malaysian people have a great desire for new flavours. Again it could be an opportunity. Since our munchee nutri-plus have different flavours. Because of this innovative people in Malaysian food market; our snack would be able to match with Malaysians products preferences. It has a unique milky taste as well as it looks delitious.because of this taste not only the working crowd but also children would prefer this product. Not only that Malaysian consumer becoming more knowledgeable. When they are purchasing a product they mainly price conscious and brand and quality sensitive. Because of this we would be able to market our quality product at a competitive price. They are not easily influenced by the advertisements. And also they consider about the service they receive before the purchasing as well as after sales. According to the findings it does not consists any social or investment risk since this is a nutritional food. As ACNielsen said, 90% of consumers take purchase decisions by considering strong brands name and also 75% retain with the same brands because of the customers loyalty. 2005/2006 from Beijing to Budapest winning brands Shopping habits An understanding of the shopping habits of Malaysians is important to determine the market viability for our products. The economic growth of the country has vastly increased the purchased power of the Malaysian customers. The standard of living and per capita income of Malaysians are high our targeted customer will mainly do their shopping in retail stores, super markets and shopping malls though still village side people purchase from traditional groceries and mini-marts .because of the globalization Malaysians are becoming more complicated. This could be occurring because of the education levels and changing lifestyles of the Malaysian consumers. Because of this multi ethnicity Malaysians have demand towards the foreign products as well. Though this is an Asian country rather than other Asian countries Malaysian males as well as females both of them are do the buying. Since consumers always waiting at the queue near the cashier to paying bills it is common manner to tackle the customers by keeping those products near to the cashier. 4. Distribution of the product We intended to undertake a distribution in a limited area since our products are in the initial stages of the product life cycle. Our market research activities have revealed that most Malaysians prefer to buy their requirements in super markets. Because they want to save time which will spend here and there by having wide range of goods is available under one roof. We decided to distribute our product to retail outlets through middlemen in Malaysia. Because they know about country, customs, values, and other regulatory which need when doing a business? And also he would be able to make close relationships with the country people as well. Typical Retail Outlets Therefore our main distribution channel will be through the major super markets,speciality stores and drug stores in the cities of Malaysia; specially in Kuala lumpur,Putrajaya,Penang,Selangor other main cities because Malaysian people used to purchase this kind of products from these places. Sales of these Munchee Nutri-plus cereal snack bars at super markets will help us to maintain competitive stance and also it will help us to stop share losses as well. In super markets for sales people there are sales target; when they achieve those sales targets they will receive some fridge benefits. So that would be a opportunity for our product when we do our sales through super markets. Because those sale s targets will drives increased our product sales as well. We have chosen drug stores to sell this product is because they can recommend our product to the consumers as a healthy and wellness product and again it will help to increase the sales. Product sales by other middlemen We can utilise a distribution channel as a middleman before we settle down in the Malaysian food market. Middleman is a very strongest character when it comes to here, because they can make very strong relationships with their retailers as well as they are know everything about the country as well as the business arena and also social and business etiquettes as well. And also our company would able to keep knowing everything about the market, competitor brands, specialities of them and also such kind of things through the middleman. 5. Advertising promotion Our target market consists of mainly middle income earners, children and adults. Advertising media usually used to reach your target markets we have selected TVs and news papers as best form of advertising RIM and TV1 which telecast their programs in Malay language and TV2 which telecast in Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil.TV advertising is more convenience since our products can be displayed and the product awareness will be increased and could be reached on large number of potential customers at low cost. News paper advertisements will also be undertaken in Malay, English and Tamil languages. Our sales promotion activities will include .exhibitions shopping centre of sports events. We suppose to advertise our product through accurate and honest promotions; as a energy boost snacks for targeting sportive kids who wants to grown up fast, and also wish to stress on the taste appeal which would match with both kids and adults. And also we wish to motivate the people who are interesting with healthy eating and to the people who are overweight. And also we decided to set some bill boards in Kuala Lumpur; capital since their accessibility is high. Sales promotions customarily used (sampling, coupons etc) There is considerable competition for our products in malasia.Therefore we have to use both the pull and push promotional strategies to stabilize the market. Pull strategy is implemented to attract customers towards purchasing our products through advertising companies. Push strategy is carried out to encourage the retailers to buy and distribute our products to the ultimate customers. This is done through offering trade discounts to the retails. Internet marketing would be another major opportunity since their technology is high and people are educated. 6. Pricing strategy The prices of our products should be reasonable and affordable for the Malaysian consumers to buy. The present consumers are highly price concerned. They expect value from the product for the price they pay. The prime motive of our pricing strategies is to achieve the following. To attract the target market at the correct time. This will increase the stock turnover rate and the profitability in our Malaysian market expansion. To have justifiable return on capital employed to continue our business activities in Malaysia. Our products are new to the Malaysian food market. Therefore we will implement a penetrating pricing strategy at the initial stages. Once the market is stabilized we will introduce premium pricing. This is important to position our products amongst the Malaysian customers as quality products. Customary mark-ups We should consider the import control regulations in Malaysia before a final mark up for our products. The Malaysian international market is liberalized tax system on food products. We will take these into consideration before fixing a final markup for our products in Malaysia. Types of discounts available Malaysian retails sell food items from many producers. So we will offer bulk purchasing discounts to retailers who buy our products in large quantities to attract them. At a rate of 2% .In addition we will offer at 2% cash discounts for the retailers who settle their dues to us within 14 days. Compare and contrast Nutri snacks from Ceylon biscuits manufactures LTD and the competitor products. B.Compare contrast munchees nutriplus product with the competitors products Competitors products A. Brand name There are many competitors for our products in Malaysia but the main competitor is the nestle PlC.This is a large multinational farm which sustain competition in U.S.A and other European and Asian food Market. b.features The nestle nutri product provide nutrition and flavors tastes to the consumers. They have already established brand loyalty in Malaysia especially amongst the school going children and the youth. Therefore we should take steps to penetrate into the competitive Malaysian food market .Further the cost of production for Nestle will be low due to economies of scale. Therefore we will be highly concerned and minimize our cost of production in order to have competitive pricing for our products in Malaysia. c.package We should clearly differentiate our products from those of the competitors in the Malaysian market. It should be easy for the customers to identify our products. We will use alternative colors in our packaging, especial Red since most Malaysian consider red as a symbol of strength. The names of Ceylon biscuits manufacture will be printed in bold letters in pink and blue. The word Halal will be pointed in large bold letters our packages will include the brand name on Malay basher, English, Chinese and Tamil.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
How Jack Bellews Speech Affects the Plot of Nella Larsens Passing
The term "passing" is shorthand for a racial passing which means people of one race passing for another. Nella Larsen's Passing is the story about two light-skinned women, who both have African blood. Clare Kendry is one of them who chooses and succeeds at "passing" and Irene Redfield is one who doesn't. They drive into each other twelve years later in a restaurant and Clare invites Irene to the tea party. The tea party which appears in the beginning of the story plays an important role throughout of the story because Jack Bellew enters the story at that moment. Jack is the white man who has a strong revulsion to African-Americans. He marries Clare, without knowing her secret ancestry. Jack's statements at the tea party lead the main characters' transformation throughout the story and shape the ending as well. Jack's disgust in colored people and assertion of his hate toward Negroes impact Clare Kendry, his wife, to re-estimate her value of life. When Clare and Irene run into each other at the restaurant, Clare is confident of her `passing' and is even sorry to those who didn't do the same thing. Passing to the white society is "even worth the price" to Clare (160). She believes that wealth is everybody's final desire and by passing she achieves that in a "frightfully easy" way (158). However she doubts her confidence on her passed life since the tea party in her house. At the tea party, Jack says words which humiliates African-Americans and shows how he hates Negroes (171-172). Against his statements, Irene exposes that Jack is "surrounded by three black devils" (172). It is significant that Irene includes Clare as one of the "black devils." This implies that Irene classifies Clare as a part of the black community even... Jack didn't show up frequently during the story but his words which had spoken at the tea party remain and continuously affect Irene and Clare. After the tea party Clare finds her happiness is no longer coming from being an upper class and having wealth but she confirms that she belongs to the black society and is happy to mingle with them. Also Irene who always concerning safety and put it up as the most important thing in her life turns out to thinking about others beside security; those are considering herself and relationship with husband . Clare's death, the ending of the story, was already foreseen at the tea party by Jack and followed by his words. Without doubt Jack Bellew was the character who opens up the story and also, finishes up the story. Work cited Nella, Larsen. Quicksand and Passing. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University press, 2002
Friday, July 19, 2019
Using Resources Wisely Essay -- Environment Inconvenient Truth Agricult
In my English 130 class we watched the movie Inconvenient Truth and, for the first time, I saw the growing industrialization of China. After seeing Chinaââ¬â¢s growing wasteful consumption of resources, I was reminded of a discussion that took place in my Anthropology 113 class last semester. In this discussion, my professor brought to light how our production of food is just as disturbing as our consumption of it. He presented a video that showed how the industrialization of certain areas led the farmers to abandon their tradition agricultural system and replace it with mass food production. This ââ¬Å"smallâ⬠change ended up having a huge negative impact on their society. Previous to change in their farming techniques, the farming system allowed for more social interaction between the generations and gave them enough food to feed themselves with still plenty left to generate in income. After the push for mass production, this system was destroyed, leaving the town wit h problems they had no precedent for. These events show how a change in production of goods (especially crops) can have disastrous effects on people and their environment. For my research I set my heart on further exploring this relationship between humanââ¬â¢s participation in agriculture and its affects on the environment. Hence, I began my research trying to figure out what it is that people are doing to leave the world with fewer agriculturally usable lands. After reading a hand full of books, I found myself with even more unanswered questions and lots of contradictory information. Some books, like One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future, say that the unbelievable growth in population and the populationââ¬â¢s consumption is at fault rather tha..., Jon. ââ¬Å"2.6 OBSTACLES TO BETTER LAND MANAGEMENT.â⬠Better LandHusbandry: From Soil Conservation to Holistic Land Management. Enfield: SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2006. 62-72. Laegreid, Marit O.C. Bà ¸ckman and O. Kaarstad. ââ¬Å"4.3 Soil degradation.â⬠Agriculture, Fertilizers and the Environment. New York: CABI Publishing, 1999. 104-113. Lappà ¨, Frances M. ââ¬Å"Diet for a Small Planetâ⬠Composing a Civic Life: A Rhetoric and Readings for Inquiry and Action. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.,2007. McMichael, Anthony J. ââ¬Å"Introduction: techniques and issuesâ⬠Planetary Overload: Global Environmental Change and the Health of the Human species. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 212-214. Raman, Saroja. ââ¬Å"Ch 7: Land Management for Sustainable Agricultureâ⬠Agricultural Sustainability: Principles, Processes, and Prospects. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc. 2006. 93-140.
What I have Learned about Myself Essay -- Law College Admissions Essay
I can remember sitting in class, feeling eyes burning through me, dodging inquisitive glances from all sides, and anxiously awaiting the bell to ring for lunchtime. As most people know, lunch is the most dreaded part of the first day at a new school. First day of school memories are still fairly vivid for me; my father was in the JAG corps in the Army and my family moved with biannual regularity. In fact, I even attended three different high schools. While this may seem highly undesirable to some, I learned an incredible amount about myself, the world, and other people through moving that I may never have learned otherwise. What I have learned about myself and the world will without a doubt contribute to my success in life and even law school, but what I have learned about other people is of greatest relevance to studying and practicing law. Ã Not wanting to sit in the cafeteria alone is a strong motivation for almost any child to try to adapt to his/her new environment as quickly as possible. It has been my experience that observation, i.e. listening and noticing d...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Children and Domestic Violence Essay
Family or domestic violence can have tragic consequences on all those involved. However, children exposed to domestic violence are often the most negatively affected by domestic violence and they frequently show symptoms of psychological and emotional trauma. It is estimated that at least one in every three women have been or will be beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime ( /Domestic-Violence/Domestic-Violence-Crisis-Hotlines.html). Furthermore, physical violence is estimated to occur in four to six million intimate relationships every year in the United States ( It is next to impossible to get totally accurate rates on domestic violence because many cases go unreported due to inconsistency in police reports, inconsistency in what is defined as domestic violence, and general lack of police intervention ( stic-Violence-Crisis-Hotlines.html). It is estimated that women make up three-fourths of the victims of homicide by an intimate partner; in all actuality, 33% of all women who are murdered are murdered by a current or former boyfriend or husband ( /Domestic-Violence/Domestic-Violence-Crisis-Hotlines.html). In addition, black women, women aged 16 to 24, and women of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be abused by a partner than all other races, ages, and social classes of women ( Since many of the women who are victims of abuse have children, the children often witness their mothers suffering terrible forms of abuse. In addition, it is estimated that between 53% and 70% of male batterers also frequently abuse their children, which increases the childââ¬â¢s involvement in the abusive situation and subsequent negative effects (Volpe, 1996). The consequences of this are staggering. The negative effects are infinite and often include academic problems, agitation and anxiety, behavioral problems, clinginess, depression, distractibility, emotional numbing, extreme fear, flashbacks, feelings of guilt and not belonging, insomnia, irritability, low levels of empathy, low self-esteem, nightmares, obsessive behaviors, phobias, posttraumatic stress disorder, separation anxiety, bereavement, aggressiveness, revenge seeking, suicidal behavior, truancy, withdrawal, feelings of vulnerability and helplessness, and displaced violence (Volpe, 1996, Warner & Weist, 1996, and These effects vary from one child to another based on the childââ¬â¢s intellectual development, interpersonal skills, self-esteem, self-efficacy, talents, religious affiliations, socioeconomic status, opportunities in school and employment, and social support ( ce-Crisis-Hotlines.html). Moreover, many children in these situations are forced to grow up faster than most children their age and become responsible for taking care of younger siblings and domestic responsibilities such as cooking and cleaning, which dramatically interferes with their chances of having an otherwise normal childhood ( Domestic-Violence/Domestic-Violence-Crisis-Hotlines.html). Also, since many women who are victims of domestic violence suffer from depression, preoccupation with the violence, emotional withdrawal, irritability, and other psychological stress, their children lack a positive, responsive role model and are often emotionally and physically neglected ( These mothers are emotionally unavailable and chronically stressed, which makes them unable to fulfill their childââ¬â¢s needs ( Domestic-Violence-Crisis-Hotlines.html). Additionally, children often develop distrust for their fathers or other males who are abusing their mothers; especially because abusive males tend to be less affectionate, less available, and less rational when dealing with children, which increases overall levels of stress on children and often results in the childââ¬â¢s sense of heightened alert when around the male batterer (Volpe, 1996 and Children, as well as their mothers, are also more likely to be isolated from friends and family in an effort to conceal the abuse ( Violence/Domestic-Violence-Crisis-Hotlines.html). Many of the underlying causes of the symptoms children experience as a result of witnessing domestic violence are primary emotional responses. These responses include anger, rage, misery, terror, guilt, responsibility for the violence, fear of dying, and fear of abandonment or parental death ( The expression of these emotions can take many forms. Often, children will exhibit psychosomatic problems, eating and sleeping disturbances, stifled emotional and social development, and severe emotional disturbances (Margolin & Gordis, 2000). In a 1999 study from Johns Hopkins, it was reported that abused women are at higher risk of miscarriages, stillbirths, and infant deaths, and are more likely to give birth to low weight babies ( In addition, children of abused women were more likely to be malnourished and have recurring cases of untreated diarrhea and were less likely to have been immunized against childhood diseases ( Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is caused by an ââ¬Å"exposure to events that are so extreme and life threatening, that they demand extraordinary coping efforts. Such events are often unpredictable and uncontrollable. They overwhelm a personââ¬â¢s sense of safety and securityâ⬠(Volpe, 1996, p. 2). PTSD, which used to only be thought of as a disease that affects war veterans, has now been found to exist in many children that have been exposed to severe violence (Volpe, 1996). PTSD can be classified in two ways, Type I and Type II PTSD (Volpe, 1996). Type I is characterized by exposure to one single, short-term event such as rape, assault, etc.; Type II is characterized by prolonged or repeated exposure, such as chronic victimization through child abuse (mostly sexual and physical) or battering (experienced or witnessed) (Volpe, 1996). Type II PTSD is often more traumatic and has a greater impact on functioning (Volpe, 1996). PTSD involves patterns of avoidance and hyperarousal, interpersonal and academic/occupational problems, and persistent re-experiencing of the event(s) (Volpe, 1996). PTSD emotional responses include shock, terror, guilt, horror, irritability, anxiety, hostility, and depression; cognitive responses include concentration impairment, confusion, self-blame, intrusive thoughts, low self-efficacy, fear of losing control, and fear of reoccurrence of the trauma; biological responses include sleep disturbance, nightmares, exaggerated startle responses, and psychosomatic symptoms and; behavioral responses include avoidance, social withdrawal, interpersonal stress, decreased intimacy and trust, and substance abuse (Volpe, 1996). Over half of children in domestic violence shelters exhibit PTSD symptoms; if left untreated, these children are at risk for delinquency, substance abuse, dropping out of school, and relationship difficulties of their own (Volpe, 1996). The reaction to domestic violence varies from young childhood to adolescence. Young children typically think that the violence is their fault and may exhibit this feeling through withdrawal, becoming non-verbal or regressing verbally, regression in clinging, whining, toileting, and overall immaturity, eating and sleeping difficulty, concentration problems, generalized anxiety, and physical complaints ( /Domestic-Violence/Domestic-Violence-Crisis-Hotlines.html). ââ¬Å"Exposure to trauma, especially family violence, interferes with a childââ¬â¢s normal development of trust and later exploratory behaviors, which lead to the development of autonomyâ⬠(Volpe, 1996). Pre-adolescent and adolescent children typically respond differently than younger children. Children at these ages have a greater ability to verbalize their negative emotions; in addition to many of the symptoms younger children show, children within this age group often loose interest in social activities, withdraw or avoid peer relations because of embarrassment of their home lives, develop rebellious and defiant attitudes, fight and lash out, abuse pets, and attempt to gain attention through hitting, kicking, or choking peers or family members (Volpe, 1996).
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Kellyââ¬â¢s Personal Construct Theory Essay
Psychology is now considered to be a branch of science that focussed on the study of the gentlemans gentleman intelligence, do them men and women of science. As such, it would be take for granted that the manner on how psychologists would conduct their therapy sessions would be following the scientific method that is normally seen among scientists. However, George Kelly discovered that this was not the case.Because of this, he highly- authentic his Personal ca-ca Theory to be a method for psychologists to study and helper forbearings during their dapple of reference and therapy sessions. This paper will establish the circumstances surrounding the formulation of Kellys Personal do Theory as well as the key points regarding this theory. Kellys Personal Construct Theory end-to-end his c areer, George Kelly (2007) had focuse his studies on the issues of diagnostic interrogation and the training and provision of clinical mental services.Based on his studies, he reason that t he use of dogmatic interpretations to promise a long-suffering maps psychological touch did to a greater extent harm than good because he likened all several(prenominal)s as scientists. He delineate dogmatic approaches used by psychologists as the belief held by psychologists that only they held the law regarding an individuals bearing and personalizedity found on their interpretations of the information provided to them by a forbearing.As such, dogmatic interpretations and approaches used by psychologists during consultation and therapy sessions would place the longanimous in a tight resultant that is purely based on the interpretations of the psychologist. Kelly (2007) driven that the nigh effective approach that psychologists film to do in order to more effectively treat their patients was to allow the patient to channel the experiences of the patient and how the patient anticipates events that cause into his or her flavor.This became the main premise of the e volution of his Personal Construct Theory, which became the foundation and institution of cognitive psychological science as a field of study within psychology and other social learning theories that give been developed by other psychologists. fit to the Personal Construct Theory, an individual lives his or her life by dint of the process of arrival out on upcoming events in his or her life through personal interactions based on the actual events.This heart that an individual has a hold on the direction where his or her own life would go (Kelly 2007). With the development of the Personal Construct Theory, Kelly (2007) stated that in order for a patient to receive optimum therapy from consultation sessions with a psychologist, the consultation session should rent an interactive communication between the patient and the psychologist in order for them to understand divers(a) issues that the patient was going through.From here, both the psychologist and the patient should develo p hypotheses in order to spoken language the issues. In the next session, the psychologist would then take from the patient as to whether when the patient experimented that the hypotheses developed met his or her expectations. Conclusion The Personal Construct Theory developed by George Kelly had provided psychologists a more effective method in psychotherapy given to patients.Up to this point in time, psychologists have developed theories regarding the human mind and human psyche based on definite factors such as society, the environment, the unconscious part of the human mind and childhood experiences. The development of these theories had caused both psychologists and patients to eat up that certain anxieties felt and experienced by patients were brought about by events that the individual had no control of.This would lead psychologists and the patients to believe that the most logical approach that the patient would do in order to improve his or her psychological well-being w as to accept these anxieties and that these are irreversible parts of their own behavior and character. With the introduction of the Personal Construct Theory, Kelly had changed the role of the individual from a passive ware of experiences and the unconscious into hotshot who is adequate to(p) to actively have a control on how his or her personality develops.As such, the individual has the ability to change his or her personality for the better based on the suggestions presented by the psychologist, changing the role of the psychologist from a trading who enlightens the patient by analyzing and pinpointing the cause into one who would pinpoint the causes of ones anxieties and fears and a mediator to assist the individual into hit a workable solution to falsify the behavior of the individual. The approach developed and presented by Kelly is now commonly seen during consultation and therapy sessions between psychologists and their patients.Nowadays, a psychologist would ask que stions to the patient in order for them to come to terms with their issues. From here, the patient would be guided by the psychologist in order to reach a possible method in order to address the issues of the patient. The would explain as to why through consultation and therapy sessions, individuals are now able to alter their behavior for the better in spite of the individual having been known to feature deviant behaviors in the past.
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